Top 10k strings from Page System Word Processor (1992)(Sinclair User).z80
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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4 "23658",c: 2 a$="SAVE": 2 a$="LOAD INTO": 1 z,s-o;(p$); 1 w;"BLOCK START"'' 1 w+o;"BLOCK END"'' 1 s;"EDIT KEY = 1 s;"9. SET 1 s;"7. RE-LOCATE"'' 1 s;"6. RAMDISK UTILITY"'' 1 s;"5. LOAD/SAVE (TAPE)"'' 1 s;"2. DISPLAY/PR 1 s;"0. HELP SECTION": 1 s+o;"PAGE ";l," 1 s+o;"PAGE ";b," 1 s+o;"PAGE ";a," 1 r-s-s,v+w: 1 r-s-s,s-o: 1 q;"ENTER = 1 q;"6. CATALOGUE"'' 1 q,s+o;"1. REWIND 1 q+q,s+s;a$'' 1 p$="PLEASE CONFIRM (Y/N): ": 1 o;"RAMDISK FILES"'': 1 n=d-o+e*l: 1 n=d-e+e*l: 1 g)+94*(k=14 1 g)+84*(k=204 1 g)+102*(k=226)" 1 c=d-e+e*b+n* 1 b=d-e+e*l+(y-o)* 1 a=d-e+e*a+(m-o)* 1 a+w-s,o+o: 1 a+w-s,f-s: 1 a$="MOVE TO": 1 a$="GO TO": 1 a$="CLEAR": 1 a$=" SYMB. SHIFT+": 1 USED PAGES": 1 USED PAGES"'' 1 START"'b$'a$;"Q = 1 POSITIONS "; 1 PLEASE CONFIRM (Y/N): d 1 PAGE ";l;" 1 KEY"'a$;"A = 1 GRAPHICS MODE 1 FILE - ";(p$); 1 ENOUGH MEMORY": 1 DISPLAYED SCREEN" 1 CURRENT VALUES ARE 1 CAPS LOCK" 1 BE RE-LOCATED ": 1 ALL MODES)"'' 1 33604-d+o": 1 2D\*E\"n\:G\2p\ 1 23431-29<a" 1 23430+65536* 1 23429+256* 1 ,s;"1. EDIT"'' 1 *USERS INTRODUCTION* 1 (a$);" WHICH PAGE? ";l: 1 (a$);" TAB: ";c: 1 (a$);" PAGE: ";l: 1 (a$);" PAGE ";(l)'(p$); 1 '" C = TURN PAGE COUNTER ON/OFF": 1 "a-256*b": 1 "a+i+8",q+w;c;" ": 1 "LOADING FILE WILL 1 "LINE (1-22): ";y: 1 "LAST PAGE: ";b: 1 "FIRST","SECOND","THIRD","FOURTH" 1 "FILENAME? "; 1 "FILENAME: "; 1 "CLEAR FILE"'(p$); 1 "59+26*(k=13 1 "46-(65367-a)/e": 1 "33604"-d+o: 1 "32984+32*y+704*l": 1 "32636",f*s-s: 1 "(31+x-i)/2": 1 "'b$;"RIGHT"'a$;"D = 1 "'b$;"LEFT"'a$;"W = 1 "'a$;"S = SET 1 "''''"KEY SYMBOL KEY SYMBOL KEY SYMBOL"; 1 within the file can also be re- arranged afterwards at any time if desired. 1 symbols etc. Also, the key auto-repeat is disabled, and holding down a graphic-symbol key will show the symbol clearly without the cursor superimposed. 1 inserting/deleting can be done. It can also be used as a block- erase, simply by moving a blank block on top of the text to be erased. 1 glance. There is also an option to save/load individual pages aswell as complete files, and the order and position of pages 1 create/remove blank lines as required. It can also be quite effective with graphics symbols for creating patterns etc. (But please note that the Editor mustbe in text mode to use it.) 1 This utility is probably bestdescribed as a cross between a conventional word processor and a database. Unlike most word- processors, however, any of the 45 pages in a file can be used in any order, i.e. the text doesnot have to be continuous. And unlike most databases, you are not confined to rigidly defined 'records' and 'fields'. 1 Therefore the file can be formatted in any way you choose,just like a notebook - e.g. you could set up the first or last page as an index page to show the contents of a file at a 1 The program's RAMDISK option is a 128K only feature, and willonly be accessible on the menu if loaded in this mode on a 128Kmachine. (The syntax is for the older 128K Spectrums, but could be changed to suit +3 BASIC.) Itcan be used as a fast means of copying pages to other parts of a file, or to other files, as well as complete-file storage. 1 The program will support mostPRINTERS on the 128 machines viathe built-in ports (in 128 mode)and ZX-type printers on the 48K models. Printing takes place, a page at a time, as a screen dump(using the BASIC COPY command.) There is also a facility to LOAD FONTS, enabling the display(and therefore the print style if printing out) to be varied. 1 The RE-LOCATE function is intended to allow lines or pagesof text to be moved so that 1 The COPY FUNCTION (not to be confused with the above) has to be initialised with Symbol Shift+S and is there to copy text to other parts of a file. It can beused for more precise insert editing, using RE-LOCATE to 1 THESE SYMBOLS CAN BE OBTAINED 1 SPECIFY BLOCK 1 RAMDISK UTILITY 1 POSITION ": 1 P R O C E S S O R 1 DEMO FILE 1 CONTROL KEYS 1 BY PRESSING THE CORRESPONDING 1 As well as text, there is a GRAPHICS MODE which allows you to use the block-graphics create diagrams, titles etc. In this mode, only the letter- keys A to O will work, and the cursor will only move when the cursor keys are used to move it.This makes it easier to edit vertical columns of graphic 1 1989 Miles Kinloch 1 THAT LOCATION ": 1 PRESS ANY KEY ": 1 GRAPHICS KEY = GRAPHICS MODE"'a$;"F = CENTRE TEXT ON 1 DISPLAY MODE 1 ---- PAGE SYSTEM ---- 1 TAPE ERROR! ": 1 FILE ERROR: 1 EXTEND MODE = 1 TRUE VIDEO = PREVIOUS PAGE